A soft rain starts a-fallin’ (Day 46)

rainy day window

Another cozy rainy day indoors. Slow start before pushing on with Ginsberg chapter, weaving research notes into the draft. Interspersed this with ploughing through the Hettie Jones book so I’ve it finished before the interview tomorrow evening. Plugged into the rainy mood with some Van and Trane (Born to Sing and Crescent) which played on into Asa’s eponymous debut.

Allen, Bob & Michael McClure

Allen, Bob & Michael McClure

Concluded the day, after latest gathering of the Book Group, with research and thinking for a small business venture I’m kicking off tomorrow with a writer friend and a designer friend from MindGym days, an idea centred on Creative Thinking and which spun out of research I was doing for the Music chapter of the book.

bob dylan and allen ginsberg at jack kerouac's grave

Bob and Allen at Jack Kerouac’s grave

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