Coincidences No.s 266, 267 and 268

Coincidence No. 266: Cold War

16.4.24 I go to a development meeting, for the sci-fi TV drama I am currently working on, with a highly experienced script editor/scriptwriter. (We first crossed paths by chance 11 years ago in a jungle in Zimbabwe). She mentioned her current personal project is a drama around the Cold War.

16.4.47 I happened to know (and mentioned) that this day of our meeting was the anniversary of the term “cold war” being coined. The first use of the term to describe the post-WW2 geopolitical confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union was in a speech by Bernard Baruch, an influential advisor to Democratic presidents, on 16th April 1947.


Coincidence No. 267: Nina Simone’s Gum

7.3.24 I finish the book ‘Nina Simone’s Gum’ by Warren Ellis, Nick Cave’s music partner, on this day.

7.3.22 I notice on the final page that Ellis completed the book on “7th March 2022, Los Angeles” which is the final line of the volume.

Coincidence No. 268: Red Pencil

16/17.4.24 I dream about a red pencil, quite well used and with black stripes, a very specific pencil.

17.4.24 I go out to read on the balcony and put an anorak from the back of my bedroom door on over my night clothes as it looks a bit blowy. I put my hand in the coat pocket – I haven’t worn this coat for a few weeks – and I pull out a red and black Staedler HB pencil exactly like the dream one. 

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