Archive for the ‘tim berners-lee’ Tag

Vague but exciting

Today’s the day (in 1989) that Tim Berners-Lee distributed a proposal at CERN to improve information flows: “a ‘web’ of notes with links between them.” A ‘web’ became the Web as the World Wide Web was born, reaching its quarter century today. Here’s the document itself with some charming diagrams.

His boss, Mike Sendall, scribbled ‘vague, but exciting’ on the cover.

Tim Berners-Lee inventor of the Web{Photo courtesy of Catrina Genovese}


Pieces and Quiet (Days 77 and 78)

Tim Berners-Lee

Day 77 was a quiet one post Belfast. Mainly writing about Terri Hooley and Good Vibrations whilst listening to Snow Patrol, who never really did it for me (not that I gave them much of a listen) but who I thought I should give a second chance given how much they have done for Oh Yeah and how appreciative they are about Terri’s efforts. Writing was a bit stodgy and deliberate.

Day 78, by the time I got to writing, was flowing, a quick burst at BAFTA after a meeting about one of the three spin-off projects. One directly useful thing that came out of that meeting is that the sciency one of the participants was able to help me confirm my Science case study which will focus on Tim Berners-Lee and CERN, so an individual and an institution equally, and bringing the pre-digital case studies which form the spine of the book right up to the point of Networked Digital. Science and Art will form the last two chapters as Jeremy Deller is the most contemporary but largely non-digital.

Later had a more peripheral meeting about low-key or quiet connecting with Robyn Scott of One Leap who has interesting perspectives on personal networks which closely mirror mine. Here’s a good post she wrote recently on Quiet Connectors.

The day rounded off with a certain musician putting me in touch with a certain music manager who managed one of my all-time favourite bands. I’m hoping to interview him for a spin-off radio-centric project.

robyn scott