Archive for March 9th, 2020|Daily archive page

Cricket vs Baseball – quotation

ben stokes cricketer cricket red bull

ben stokes cricketer cricket red bull bulletin


“We have baseball. You have cricket, which is like baseball on Valium.”

Robin Williams (1951-2014) at the London Palladium on 5th December 1987



(This edition of Red Bulletin contained an extended article on Surf Girls Jamaica connecting my commissioning at Little Dot and my similar human interest documentary work at Red Bull Media House)

surf girls jamaica little dot studios red bull bulletin

The Casting Game No. 403 – bushy eyebrows


John Cassavetes



Martin Landau

I was watching John Cassavetes’ Opening Night (1977) at the Prince Charles Cinema, Leicester Square last night when this one occurred to me. I’m looking forward to seeing one of my new Red Bull Media House commissions in the same cinema later this week.

As a bonus casting prompted by the same film I offer…


Ben Gazarra


Liev Schreiber actor

Liev Schreiber

(This one’s a bit harder to capture in photos, it’s attitudinal as well.)